Once brunch was finished we were off to look at Congregación del Santísimo Sacramento which is an imposing Catholic Church but bad luck, it was closed when we got there. On our way we crossed the Plaza San Martin which is definitely worth a visit. Then off to one side of the plaza is the Museo de Armas de La Nación Tte. Gral. Pablo Riccheri (War Museum). Well being an ex-soldier, what a find, even for a military enthusiast you could spend hours in here.
Close by was Café Tortoni one of the golden age cafes of Buenos Aires so we headed here for a quick coffee (or more like a ‘special’ coffee).
Then it was off down to check out Plaza de Mayo which was named after the 1810 revolution that took place here, leading to Argentina’s independence. Then of course Casa Rosada famous in its own right but known to some by the balcony which was frequently used by Eva Peron to address the multitudes of the descamisados, or shirtless ones.
Then what is a day without a few drinks so on the way home we stopped into Unplug bar for happy hour and then on to Temple Bar for jugs of Mojitos and chicken wings.